By Super User on Wednesday, 04 December 2019
Category: Pilates Blog News

December Newsletter 2019

                 Keeping Fit and Healthy This Christmas 

​Its that time of year now, where the Christmas ham comes out and the Christmas tree and decorations are put up for the festive season. This doesn't mean that we can let ourselves go out of our regular routines =P This Christmas why not spice it up a bit with our healthy and motivational tips, to stay fit throughout the festive season! 

What To Eat To Stay Healthy And Fit

If you really think about it, the food around Christmas isn't actually that bad. It's the portion sizes that seem to get to us. You may be looking forward to the pigs in blankets, but you don't have to pile seven on your plate. Keep things realistic and enjoy the food in moderation. The 'but it's Christmas' mentality needs to be rethought, as if you're serious about staying fit during the holidays, you need to start thinking about what you're eating. This doesn't mean you have to turn down all the festive foods, just control the balance between the healthy and unhealthy choices. Instead of creating a mountain of potatoes on your plate, stock up on the veg. Brussel sprouts, carrots, parsnips - they're all part of the Christmas diet.

Don't Go Back For Seconds

It may seem like a good idea at the time, and yes the food does still smell amazing, but do you really need to be left slumped on the sofa moaning about how much you've just eaten? You want to enjoy the food and not feel like you're going to vomit because of how much you've managed to get through. As well as not going up for extras, when eating, take your time. Eating slower will not only lead to better meal satisfaction, but you'll better your digestion and actually realize when you feel full. No-one likes feeling uncomfortably over-stuffed, so knowing when to call it quits is always best.

Don't Skip Meals

Skipping meals because you want to 'fill up' on the Christmas buffet or devour an entire plate of roast potatoes isn't going to go down to well. You need to keep your metabolism going and you need to stick to the routine of having three, well balanced meals a day. Most social meetings don't disrupt your breakfast and lunches, so keep these healthy and planned. This way you can make sure you're getting all the nutrition you need from these two meals. If you have yet another Christmas dinner or you're meeting your mates at the pub, you can still join in and enjoy yourself without feeling guilty that you ate a load for lunch.

Drink In Moderation

When it comes to keeping fit at Christmas, alcohol and other festive drinks seem to be everywhere and involved in everything you do, which is both a blessing and a curse. These liquid calories usually don't seem to be taken into consideration as much as your food intake but they can be the aspect that creeps up on you the most. Downing seven beers on a night out can add up to a whole days recommended calorie intake - which is a lot when you start to think about it.

So you don't have to stop drinking completely, just switch up your usual drink for something that's a little better. Spirits are a good option as they usually don't contain as many calories as wine or beer do. Be careful when it comes to choosing the mixer though as this is what can also rack up the calorie intake. Diet soda or tonic are healthier alternatives.

Drink Lots Of Water

A fairly obvious one, but one we always seem to forget. Flushing out the toxins and curing any unwanted hunger feelings, drinking a glass of water regularly will help you stay fit at Christmas. As well as keeping you hydrated and healthy, the water is sure to help you treat that banging hungover head you have while sitting at work.

Christmas Fitness

Christmas fitness doesn't mean you do nothing for the entire month and then go all out when it comes to January. You need to stick to a good pattern. Everyone has that mind set of 'this year I'll join the gym and actually go this time', but we all know that after the first few weeks you'll give up and 'try again next year'. Even for the fitness fanatics, getting to the gym four or five times a week is unlikely, especially when you have Christmas parties and family dinners every day of the week.

Stick To A Realistic Workout Routine

Obviously, if you're a gym goer already, sticking to your usual routine can seem difficult. Set yourself realistic goals instead of thinking that you'll go everyday. Going for half an hour to an hour just three days a week will leave you feeling satisfied and happy, rather than being disappointed when you missed your fifth two hour workout that the week. You still need time to socialise and not miss out on the fun, but you can't completely abandon your workout ethic.

Work On The Muscle

Stick to your strength and muscle workouts, because loosing any muscle mass will counteract all the hard work you've put in all year. Ten to fifteen minutes of cardio at the beginning of each workout can easily be enough for the festive season. Once the cardio is over, focusing on arm, back and leg muscles for half an hour can conclude the workout. You haven't over done it and you still have time to see your friends after. Think about what time of the day you do the workouts as well as what you do in them. Morning workouts while everyone's still asleep and hungover won't have you feeling like you're missing out, plus it's always a good idea to sweat out the alcohol you drank the night before.

Christmas Gift Vouchers 

​Well now we are in December, this is the time of year where everyone tries to get everything submitted and done. Whether you work in an office or out in the field, its safe to say that everyone knows what it feels like this time of year. Trying to organizing Christmas gifts to finalizing paperwork for the end of the year, it can be really stressful and crazy busy. If your struggling for Christmas gift ideas for your friends and loved ones, why not give them something they can use, to help keep their bodies in shape for the New Year! 

Pilates Comes To You has gift vouchers in the studio, that can be purchased for a great Christmas gift for someone who may want to give Pilates a go and/or who has been to us previously and wants to come back to get in shape for this festive season. =P 

The vouchers are available for purchase now! So come on down to the studio, for your last minute Christmas shopping =P

 Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020!

Its finally the end of the year again! As Christmas draws near, we would like to thank all of our 198 members for their hard work and continuing support throughout the year. We can't believe how many members we have now and how far we have come from when we first opened in February 2019! We continue to receive enormous amounts of support and thank everyone so much! To show our appreciation, we would like to invite everyone to our Christmas gathering on Thursday 19th December from 5:30pm - 6:30pm at the studio! There will be drinks and nibbles provided, so come on down to the studio and join us! We will also head over to The George Pub afterwards for dinner, if anyone wants to tag along =P

Also we would like to let you all know that we will be closed over the Christmas/New Year Period, but make sure to keep up with your regular workout routines and of course have some fun too =P We will be closed as of Friday 20th December 2019, and will re-open on Tuesday 4th February 2020. We hope all of our clients have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

P.S. Our last two classes for 2019 on Thursday 19th December are free! You must book in though thru the website as per normal, to secure a spot. The classes are group mat classes from 3:30pm - 4:30pm and 4:30pm - 5:30pm. Can't wait to see everyone then!

Quote of the month - "The body achieves what the mind believes"

by Get Healthy U
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