Introducing The New Mums and Bubs Classes IN THIS ISSUE: Introducing The New Mums and Bubs ClassesGroup Reformer Classes Are Back Up and RunningContinuing of Social Distancing and Good Hygiene Routines Now that we are back and running, we would like to introduce or new Mums and Bubs Classes! This is great for m...
We Are Finally Open Again For Business! IN THIS ISSUE: We Are Finally Open Again For Business!Policies In Place To Keep Our Clients SafeLocal Business Awards 2020 Its finally official, we can reopen and continue business as usual! It has been a long and tiring few months, but we have pul...
How Is Exercise Good For Your Mental Health? IN THIS ISSUE: How Is Exercise Good For Your Mental Health?How Does Regular Exercise Improve Our Immune System? There are many reasons why physical activity is good for your body – having a healthy heart and improving your joints and bones are just two, but d...
Staying Active and Positive During This Isolation Period IN THIS ISSUE: Staying Active and Positive During This Isolation PeriodPilates Comes To You Is Now Online!Pilates Comes To You House Calls S...
Stop The Spread Of The Illness IN THIS ISSUE: Stop The Spread of The IllnessHow Has Pilates Helped You?Local Business Awards 2020 With all that's happening lately here and around the world, we would like our clients to be...
New Reformer Classes for 2020! IN THIS ISSUE: New Reformer Classes for 2020!Bringing Out The Positive Vibes We are already swinging into 2020 with positive vibes and determination. First off we would like to kick start the year with opening up&...
New Year's Resolutions: Exercise and Nutrition Tips IN THIS ISSUE: New Year's Resolutions: Exercise and Nutrition TipsEvery Body Benefits From Pilates For many people, exercise and nutrition are common "new year's resolution" topics. People full of good intentions, flood into the gym to get sta...
Keeping Fit and Healthy This Christmas IN THIS ISSUE: Keeping Fit and Healthy This ChristmasChristmas Gift VouchersGoodbye 2019, Hello 2020! Its that time of year now, where the Christmas ham comes out and the Christmas tree and decorations are put up for the festive s...
IN THIS ISSUE: - Simple Exercises You Can Do At Your Desk - Christmas Closure Period Well its that time of year again, where everyone tries to get everything submitted and done for the year. Whether you work in an office or out in the field, its safe to say that everyone knows what it feels like this time of year. Trying to organizing...
Why Nutrition Is The Most Important Part of Your Fitness Routine IN THIS ISSUE: Why Nutrition Is The Most Important Part of Your Fitness Routine Exercises You Can Do When You're Sick The food we eat plays an important role in how we look and feel. Regular exercise is important but according to research, nutrition has the lar...
How To Get In Shape For Spring IN THIS ISSUE: How To Get In Shape For SpringWollondilly Women In Business Annual Event NightPilates Morning Tea With Your Pooch Spring is a time for shedding layers, sporting the latest bright fashions — and, of course, spring cleaning. That can apply not only to reorganizing your closet, but to tossing s...
Winner of the Winter Active Wear Competition IN THIS ISSUE: Winner of the Winter Active Wear CompetitionPilates Morning Tea With Your PoochHow To Manage Arthritis This Winter We would like to say a big congratulations to our winner of the Winter Active Wear Competition! And that winner is none other than, Sandra Lanz! If you did...
Winter Active Wear Competition IN THIS ISSUE: Winter Active Wear Competition Pregnant? Just had a baby? No problems! Pilates is here to help!Winter Break for Pilates Comes To You We are definitely underway into winter...
Local Business Awards 2019 IN THIS ISSUE: Local Business Awards 2019Health Benefits of PilatesHow to Keep Motivated This Winter Its finally Winter and the Pilates studio is doing better than we ever imagined! This month's...
Mothers Day Gift Vouchers IN THIS ISSUE: Mothers Day Gift VouchersHow Pilates Comes To You Came About? Wow, i can't believe we are already slowly moving into winter! Its now May for goodness sake! How time fly's when y...
Pilates Comes To You Easter Deals IN THIS ISSUE: Promotional Easter DealsCamden Equitation & Dressage Inc Sponsor 2019Pilates Comes To You Members We are already creeping our way through the year, its now Easter! This month is a great time for friends and family to enjoy the Easter Break and of course chocolate hahah. But don...
Group Reformer Classes are Up and Running! IN THIS ISSUE: Group Reformer Classes are Up and Running!Suggestions Box Pilates Comes To You Products Now Available We are already working our way into the new year, as its now March! We are pleased to announce that we will be scheduling in Group Reformer Classes into our timetable this month...
Welcome to the Suggestions Box! This is to see our client views and opinions on preferred classes and times to run them! For example, you might like to do a private reformer class/pre-assessment reformer class in the morning between the times of 7:00am and 10:00am on a Monday. Or you might like to do a group mat class or *group reformer...
We are pleased to announce that we have been nominated in the Inaugural Wollondilly Business Awards in the Exercise and Fitness category. We cannot be more happier and honored to be nominated in this event. If you would like to vote for us to have a chance in becoming one of the finalists for the Wollondilly Business Awards, please fill out th...
IN THIS ISSUE: • Official opening of the Pilates studio• What is Pilates?• What classes are available?Its official, we are open for business!Pilates Comes To You Pilates Comes To You is a brand new Pilates studio that has just opened up in the town of Picton, NSW. We are located about an hour and a half away from Sydney and about 45 minutes from ...